Social participation and language courses
Participation in life and society is a guiding principle of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. People with disabilities should be able to plan and manage their lives independently and responsibly. This applies both to their home and to their environment outside the home.
In Germany, the state provides services for social participation. These services are intended to enable or make it easier for people with disabilities to equally participate in life.
Information material
We provide an overview of social participation services, especially those related to appropriate housing and the right to personal assistance. We also have information about language courses. Social participation also means getting involved in the community, for example in self-help groups. You will find tips on this at the end of the booklet.
Support with referrals
We provide free advice over the phone to refugees with disabilities and their family members to help them when they first arrive and with navigating the welfare system.
We can answer any questions you might have about the German welfare system for people with disabilities. We can also help you get in touch with suitable support services in your local area.