The support system for people with disabilities

In Germany, people with disabilities can rely on the support system. Refugees with disabilities and their families also receive support from the state when they arrive in Germany. They can turn to the support system and receive help.
The support system consists of services, facilities and benefits. It helps people with disabilities of all ages and in different situations to lead as independent life as possible. The support system enables people with disabilities to participate in all areas of life.

Information material

What support services does the support system offer to people with disabilities? How do they differ from social services? What are aids and what are medical treatments? How can you get your disability recognised? And what do the letters on your disability card mean? This booklet provides answers to these questions.


How can I have a disability recognized in Germany? This video provides information on how to apply for a degree of Disability.

Support with referrals

We provide free advice over the phone to refugees with disabilities and their family members to help them when they first arrive and with navigating the welfare system.

We can answer any questions you might have about the German welfare system for people with disabilities. We can also help you get in touch with suitable support services in your local area.