
Our e-learning course on Introduction to Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action has been launched. It consists six distinct modules, developed in collaboration with the Reference Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (DRG)

Throughout the course, you will gain knowledge and skills on the rights-based understanding of disability in humanitarian action, on the IASC Guidelines and their Must Do Actions, the meaning of inclusive humanitarian action and its key approaches, accessibility and universal design, as well as inclusive accountability to affected populations.

The course is relevant for anyone involved in humanitarian project or programme planning, design, management, monitoring & evaluation such as project or programme managers, coordinators, technical advisors, MEAL staff, as well as any others interested in disability-inclusion in humanitarian action!

The course is available at Disaster Ready  and Kaya Connect online learning platforms. To access the modules, you will need to create a free account first.

Learning Packages

Introduction to Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action 

During project phase 2, we supported the global Reference Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (DRG) in one of their objectives to operationalize the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action. Our  project resourced and contributed to the development and piloting of the learning packagewith the titleIntroduction to disability-inclusive humanitarian action’. The learning package consists of seven modules and guidance for facilitation and has been designed to support trainers to facilitate learning, reflections and discussions around disability-inclusive humanitarian programming. It is now available for download. Read more and download the modules here! 


Sector-Specific Learning Packages 

There is an ongoing need for sector-specific skills and knowledge on inclusive humanitarian action. In Phase 3, we will address this need by developing, piloting and globally disseminating two sector-specific learning packages on inclusive WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) and inclusive Health. Both learning materials will be developed in collaboration with other humanitarian actors.

The learning packages will be aligned with the sector-specific chapters of the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion and will include standard awareness-raising modules from our previously developed training materials.

Before dissemination, the trainings will be piloted in Germany or in one of our pilot regions in Africa. The feedback will be used to fine-tune the content.