DRG’s Call for Good or Promising Humanitarian Practices on Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action


General IASC-Guidelines

We would like to share with you the call from the Reference Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (DRG) on ‘good or promising humanitarian practices on disability-inclusive humanitarian action’.

Why a call for Good and Promising Practices on disability-inclusive humanitarian action?

The members of Working Group 1 of the DRG have received multiple requests for more elaborate case studies of good and promising practices that operationalize the IASC Guidelines in Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action. They have also observed that humanitarian actors are already adapting or changing their programming to become more disability-inclusive but do not have the time or capacity to document it. This call for good and promising practices provides therefore an opportunity to document this learning and share it with other humanitarian agencies. The documentation and dissemination of these practices shall help accelerate the use of the IASC Guidelines and address the long-standing marginalization of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action and crises.

Why shall my organization participate?

This is a unique opportunity for you to share your good or promising practice on disability inclusive humanitarian action. Good practices from any humanitarian sector are welcome. We have made the process as light and interactive as possible, and you will receive support from peers and experts to document your practice. If you pass the first round of review, you will be invited to a three-hour laboratory style workshop, where you will present your good practice in a seven-minute pitch and answer questions from peer-reviewers. Graphic and audio recording experts will support capturing the essence of the presented good practices and propose a summary that you and your colleagues will only need to review. In addition, three selected practices, will benefit from the support of an expert consultant to further elaborate of their practices.

How can my organization participate in the process?

Check out the guidelines for more information:

o   English,

o   French,

o   Portuguese,

o   Spanish.

Submit your good or promising practice using the online templates:

o   English,

o   French,

o   Portuguese,

o   Spanish.

When is the deadline for submission?

  • 31st of March 2023.

Should you have any questions on the process for submitting your call for good practices, contact us via: drg.workinggroup1@gmail.com.