Phase 2- Leave no one behind! meets Humanitarian Congress Berlin for the 4th time


Universities & Specialists Events
Panel discussion at the 20th Humanitarian Congress Berlin

For the fourth time, the Phase 2 – Leave no one behind! project is supporting the organisers of the Humanitarian Congress Berlin. This year’s Congress with the title ‘Aspiring towards global justice – a humanitarian imperative?’ will be held virtually from 18 – 21 October 2021.

***The congress has already taken place, therefore registration is no longer possible.***

The Phase 2 – Leave no one behind project supports again on accessibility and placing disability as a cross-cutting topic in one of the Congress’ panels. As in previous years, we made recommendations on online accessibility and financially support the live captioning of the event.

In addition to our support on accessibility, one of our project activities is to promote and place disability-inclusion as a cross cutting topic in humanitarian events. We aim at raising awareness to the broad professional public to acknowledge the importance of an equal protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in humanitarian emergencies.

This year, we are working closely together with Médecins du Monde (MdM Germany), as one of the organisations hosting the congress, on the panel “Addressing Social Determinates of Health”.

The panel will take place on Tuesday 19 October (15-16 hrs, CEST). It will address the question of how social determinants influence health, whether and how to overcome an unequal distribution of these determinants.

The panel will bring together actors from research and academia, local civil society and international non-governmental organisations to reflect on their experience in practice and discuss whether and what possible solutions exist.

Handicap International (also known as Humanity & Inclusion, HI) will be represented by its Global Health Unit. Davide Ziveri, Environmental Health Specialist, will speak about how social determinants affect and influence the health outcome for persons with disabilities. Ziveri will elaborate on the interplay between social determinants and barriers for persons with disabilities in accessing health services, as well as highlighting difficulties and opportunities from practice.

You Missed the Congress?

No problem, the recordings of the panel discussions are already available on YouTube.

The discussion on “Social Determinants of Health” with the speakers:

  • Masuma Mamdani, Public Health Specialist
  • Renu Khanna, Womens Health Advocate
  • Sandrine Simon, Health and Advocacy Director, MdM

and chaired by our colleague, Davide Ziveri, Environmental Health Specialist, Humanity & Inclusion is available here:


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