Beiträge zum Thema humanitarian

Man speaking in front of the workshop participants.

Uganda Concludes Phase 3-Leave no one behind! Project

The conclusion of the Phase 3 was marked by two impactful workshops held in Kampala and Kyaka. The workshops were attended by 115 participants, with 31 persons with disabilities contributing firsthand experiences and expertise. The event witnessed a balanced gender representation and participation from 23 Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and 25 partner organizations, […]


Participants posing to camere during Phase 3 project closure workshop in Juba South Sudan.

Wrap It Up: Learn, Reflect, Celebrate!

HI’s South Sudan team held a project closure workshop on 11th December 2024, at Juba Regency hotel, South Sudan, to reflect on and celebrate the successes of Phase 3. The workshop brought together in total 20 stakeholders, including the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare, National and International Organizations, and Organizations of Persons with […]


A group of people attending a workshop in Niger.

Training Workshop to Enhance Protection Cluster Tools and Strategies in Niger

Building on the success of promoting inclusive WASH Cluster in Niger, a workshop for the Protection Cluster was held from November 19 to 21, 2024, in Niamey. The training aimed to strengthen the knowledge and skills of humanitarian actors in the Protection Cluster, enabling them to incorporate disability-inclusive approaches into their activities. The workshop was […]


A training participant is standing in front of the group and presenting the discussion outcomes.

Piloting Disability-Inclusive Health Training for Humanitarian Actors in Berlin

From November 5 to 7, 2024, HI’s project team organised a specialized training for humanitarian actors in Berlin on “Introduction to Disability-Inclusive Health: Amplifying Change Towards an Inclusive Humanitarian Health Response.” This training served as a pilot for our upcoming learning package on inclusive health, which is set to be released later this year. Addressing […]


Group of workshop participants sitting around a table and having a group discussion.

Strengthening Disability Inclusion in Uganda: Defining Roles and Establishing Technical Support Mechanisms

In September 2024, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) Uganda organized two essential workshops as part of our project. These workshops were designed to reinforce disability inclusion in humanitarian actions by defining the roles of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and establishing technical support mechanisms with key humanitarian partners. Held in Kampala, these sessions brought together […]


Group of persons, having white canes in their hands, pose for the camera during stakeholder’s roundtable discussion workshop in Juba, South Sudan.

Empowering Voices: Cooperating with South Sudan Association of Visually Impaired

South Sudan Association of Visually Impaired (SSAVI) supported by HI’s “Phase 3-Leave No One Behind” project team in South Sudan, organized a one-day stakeholders roundtable discussion workshop on 16th October 2024 in Juba to commemorate International White Cane Day as part of a series of events. The workshop attracted 26 participants from various government institutions, […]


A group of participants engaged in a discussion during the training.

Disability Inclusion Tool Development Training held to WASH Cluster in Niger

A Tool development training was held in Niamey, Niger, from August 20 to 22, 2024, to help humanitarian workers in the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) Cluster better understand how to include people with disabilities in their programmatic work. The event was organized by CBM and the WASH Cluster Coordination team. The training had 24 […]


Training Participants pose for group photo during three-day inclusive WASH pilot training at Juba Regency hotel, Juba, South Sudan.

Piloting iWASH Learning Package: Overcoming Exclusion in Humanitarian WASH Action

HI’s project team in South Sudan provided a training session piloting the recently developed inclusive Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (iWASH) learning package to WASH cluster members in Juba, South Sudan. The training was held on 25-27 September in Juba and it reached 24 participants from 12 National and 9 International Non-Governmental Organizations. The training session […]


Join us @Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2024

Within our project we support once again the Humanitarian Congress Berlin (HCB) by providing specific guidance and resources to make the event as accessible as possible. This year’s Humanitarian Congress Berlin is fast approaching. Next week, on 16-17 October, the Congress will bring together humanitarian actors from around the world to discuss “Critical Choices: Triaging […]
