Submission Closed: Development of a Learning Package on Disability-Inclusive Health 


Capacity Building General IASC-Guidelines Uncategorized

SUBMISSION CLOSED! We are looking for a consultant or group of consultants to develop an accessible learning package on Disability-Inclusive Health in Humanitarian Action.  

Within our Phase 3 – Leave no one behind! project, we aim to develop an accessible learning package to be delivered Face to Face or online, consisting of 7-9 modules on Disability-Inclusive Health in Humanitarian Action.  

The direct target audience of the learning package are those implementing health services in humanitarian action, as well as trainers and facilitators (with and without disabilities) who will deliver the learning package themselves with and without disabilities from the humanitarian field working in the Health sector.  

The learning package on inclusive Health will be aligned with Chapter 15 of the IASC Guidelines and adapt the standard learning modules from the DRG learning package on inclusive humanitarian action to the Health context, ensuring coherence and avoiding duplication, as well as co-creating and/or adapting additional modules based on the needs and priorities of Health actors, aligned to the IASC Guidelines and global Health standards using existing learning modules as much as possible.

Preliminary consultation around gaps indicate that access to quality health care, inclusive health emergencies, communicable disease and/or accessible communication for health professionals are likely subjects to feature in the modules. 

The content and produced files should then be adapted based on feedback received from an advisory group of Health actors that will be built for the purpose of contributing to this learning package, adhere to accessibility standards for persons with different types of impairments and combine presentations of key messages and concepts with scenario-work, exercises and self-reflections. A facilitator guide adapted from the pre-existing DRG modules needs to be developed for the learning package, including a section on inclusive facilitation. Pre-existing training materials should be sourced from Health actors to contribute to the learning package.  

The content and the facilitator guide are to follow a modular structure and need to be developed with flexibility in mind. Flexibility in this regard means that any of the modules can be tailored to different humanitarian contexts, actors and/or humanitarian sectors.  

The consultant should be engaged in the aforementioned advisory group of Health actors to ensure cohesive communication as to the contents and design of the learning package.  

Further information on the background and all details of this call can be found in the Terms of Reference. This call is part of a negotiated procurement procedure with open competition. All bids will be evaluated based on predefined criteria. 

Due to a lack of submission of quotes, it was decided to extend the deadline of submission until: 21. June 2024 at 10:00 CEST. Please see further details in the Terms of reference.

Please submit your complete bid by email to  

All questions shall be submitted by e-mail to Amanda Panella ( AND Ulrike Last ( Extended Deadline for questions is 17 June 2024, 12:00 CEST.