Beiträge zum Thema Capacity Building

Call for Tenders: Project End Evaluation

HI, CBM and IFHV are looking for a consultant or team of consultants to conduct the external end evaluation of the “Phase 3 – Leave no one behind!” project.   The objective of the evaluation is to assess the relevance, effectiveness, changes, partnership and efficiency of the project’s activities and to provide all project partners with […]


Training participants discussing during group work session.

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Exclusion In Humanitarian space

HI’s South Sudan Leave no one behind project team conducted its third Review, Adapt and Action Learning laboratory (RAAL-Lab) workshop to Protection cluster and Gender and Inclusion Task Team (GITT) members in Juba Regency hotel, Juba, South Sudan, from 29th to 31st May 2024. The three–day training drew 17 participants from four National, four International […]


One of the workshop participant makes a presentation during the Lessons Learned workshop at Kyaka Motel, Kyegegwa district.

Learning from Experience: HI Uganda Organised Lessons Learned Workshops

On 27 March 2024 and 30 May 2024, HI Uganda organised lessons learned workshops for formerly trained protection partners at national (Kampala) and field (Kyaka II Settlement) levels. The lessons learned workshops were identified as a mechanism to provide a platform for protection partners to share their organisations’ experiences in mainstreaming disability in their programming. […]


Participant sitting in U-form during training in Kampala. In front facilitator presenting.

Strengthening the Capacity of Humanitarian Actors in Disability Inclusion in Uganda

In an effort to build and strengthen the capacities of international, national and local humanitarian protection sector actors in Uganda, our HI Uganda team organised a fourth (16–18 April 2024) and fifth (13–15 May 2024) Inclusive Humanitarian Action Training and Review, Adapt Action & Learning Laboratory (RAAL Lab). This methodology allows training participants to review, […]


Pilot Training on Disability Inclusion in the Humanitarian Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Response 

The three-day training on disability inclusion in the humanitarian WASH response completed last week received positive feedback from participants, highlighting the need for new knowledge and skills on the topic.  HI’s project team organised a training for eight humanitarian actors on “Introduction to disability-inclusive WASH: Amplifying changes towards an inclusive humanitarian WASH Response” in Berlin […]


Establishment of the Disability Working Group (DWG) in Cameroon

As part of the our Phase 3-Leave No One Behind! project in Cameroon, a Disability Working Group (DWG) was formed to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities in humanitarian action. This initiative was undertaken through collaboration between OPD Leaders, and representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Civil Protection, and supported by  CBM […]
