South Sudan Project Team held its 3rd Technical Support Mechanism Meeting
Capacity Building IASC-Guidelines Pilot Countries© John Kimani/HI
The Technical Support Mechanism Team on Disability Inclusion is a working group that operates within protection cluster and under Gender Inclusion Task Team (GITT) in South Sudan. It was officially launched on 10 November 2023 and its members are made up of inclusion focal points who were trained during our Review, Adapt and Action Learning Labs (RAAL-lab).
The overall objective of the technical support mechanism on disability inclusion is to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration among humanitarian actors, including OPD’s, for an effective and accountable humanitarian response in South Sudan that systematically mainstreams the rights of persons with disabilities.
On the 16th of February 2024, HI’s South Sudan project team held its third technical support mechanism meeting at Juba Regency hotel, attended by 21 focal points, drawn from eight Local and three International Non-Governmental Organizations, three Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD’s), and two UN Agencies.
The meeting was intended to draw up detailed activities implementation plans for 2024 by the task team. The main activities planned for implementation during the second meeting were:
- Continuous monthly meetings,
- Training of trainers (ToT) based on needs and interest of the focal points and around Disability Reference Group modules,
- Joint analysis of data collection/ review of assessment tools,
- Review of Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 for gaps and good practices, for improvement in 2025,
- Contribute to GITT roadmap to strengthen disability inclusion and identification and
- documentation of lessons learned.
The task team also deliberated on facilitating the joint technical support to external requests towards disability-inclusive humanitarian programming, input or development of disability-inclusive sector specific briefs, Washington Group Questions, tip sheets, and drew up detailed workplan for implementation of these activities in 2024. All these aim at strengthening and localizing the nominated focal points capacity to provide technical support to mainstream disability at their own organizations and other cluster coordination system.
Text by Obale Musa, HI South Sudan