The project „Phase 3 – Leave no one behind!“ would like to invite you to our upcoming in-person training on “Introduction to disability-inclusive health: Amplifying changes towards an inclusive humanitarian Health Response“.
Key Infos
- When? November 5-7, 2024 (3 days)
- Where? Berlin, Germany (WeiberWirtschaft, Anklamer Str. 38, 10115 Berlin)
- Language? English (and International Sign upon request)
- Who is invited?Humanitarian staff with programming, coordination and/ or technical roles in their organizations (International Organizations, NGOs, and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities) in the health sector. Participants should have experience in humanitarian health programming, good command of English, and be able to attend all training days in Berlin.
To encourage up-take and an effective learning experience, we highly encourage at least two participants per organisation or department. To apply, please fill out the registration form. Successful applicants are selected based on pre-defined criteria and will be informed per email after the application deadline. The participant’s number is limited to max. 25 persons. The training is free of charge. Any related travel, accommodation and per diem costs need to be covered by the participants. We aim to provide the training as accessible as possible for persons with disabilities. Reasonable accommodation adjustments will be available upon request.
As part of Phase 3-Leave No One Behind! project and in collaboration with International Rescue Committee, Médecins Sans Frontières, Inclusion Africa, United Disabled Persons of Kenya, and the Differently Talented Society of Kenya, a learning package has been developed on disability-inclusive Health through adaptation of the Disability Reference Group’s modules on Inclusive Humanitarian Action to the Health context, including the development of two additional modules on Informed Consent and Health Workforce.
In this training, participants will:
- Deepen understanding of disability-inclusive humanitarian Health in line with the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action,
- Expand capacities in disability-inclusive Health programming and coordination reflecting all phases of the humanitarian project and program cycle,
- Understanding barriers faced by persons with different disabilities to Health services,
- Increase knowledge on accessibility, universal design, and reasonable accommodation
- Gain experience in obtaining informed consent and creating an inclusive Health workforce,
- Learn about each other’s good practices, entry points for change and lessons learnt on inclusive programming.
The training promotes inter-agency exchange and synergies. We will facilitate the training with an engaging and interactive approach offering a mix of lectures, group work, and discussions. To tweak the content to your interests, we ask that you fill out a pre-interest assessment where you will also rank the available training modules based on your interest. Following the workshop, participants receive certificates and training materials.
Please fill out the registration form and you will be contacted with a final confirmation shortly after.
The training is free of charge. The related travel and hotel costs need to be covered by the participants.
More Information
You can send your questions to