Who We Are
The project is jointly implemented by Handicap International e.V. (HI), Christian Blind Mission (CBM), and the Ruhr-University Bochum’s Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV).
Since the start of Phase 1 in 2016, HI and CBM have combined their expertise and many years of experience in disability-inclusive humanitarian action in order to pass it on to German, international and local humanitarian actors.
The IFHV is a leading research institute with broad research experience in the fields of humanitarian studies and international humanitarian and human rights law. It is also a member of the European inter-university Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA).
Project Partners
Handicap International e.V. (HI) is a non-profit organisation for humanitarian action and development assistance, active in over 60 countries around the world. We aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion. We strive at improving the situation of persons with disabilities in a sustainable way and support those in need of specific protection.
Furthermore, we advocate for a world without cluster bombs or mines as well as against bombing of civilian populations. HI is a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Price of 1997.
Handicap International e.V. is the German association of the international organisation Humanity & Inclusion and responsible for the overall project coordination.
CBM Christoffel Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. (CBM) was founded in Germany and has headquarters in Bensheim. CBM is currently working in around 30 countries on more than 400 projects. Through its collaboration with HI under the Leave no one behind -project Phase 1 and 2, CBM has been also higly involved in capacity building measures on disability inclusive humanitarian action in Germany since 2016.
As a leading research institute, with broad scientific experience in the field of humanitarian studies and international law, the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) at the Ruhr-University Bochum is the third project partner responsible especially for the research activities.
The project “Phase 3 – Leave No One Behind!” is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Phase 3 of the Leave no one behind! project (2022-2024) builds onto the knowledge and experience of phase 1 (2016-2018) and phase 2 (2018-2021).The previous project phases were also funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented in cooperation with the CBM and IFHV. Read more
From the left to the right: HI, CBM, IFHV and the German Federal Foreign Office.
© Jörg Farys
Do you have questions?
For general question about our project, please contact:
Haakon Spriewald
Project Coordinator
E-Mail: h.spriewald@hi.org