Beiträge zum Thema Training

A group of people attending a workshop in Niger.

Training Workshop to Enhance Protection Cluster Tools and Strategies in Niger

Building on the success of promoting inclusive WASH Cluster in Niger, a workshop for the Protection Cluster was held from November 19 to 21, 2024, in Niamey. The training aimed to strengthen the knowledge and skills of humanitarian actors in the Protection Cluster, enabling them to incorporate disability-inclusive approaches into their activities. The workshop was […]


A training participant is standing in front of the group and presenting the discussion outcomes.

Piloting Disability-Inclusive Health Training for Humanitarian Actors in Berlin

From November 5 to 7, 2024, HI’s project team organised a specialized training for humanitarian actors in Berlin on “Introduction to Disability-Inclusive Health: Amplifying Change Towards an Inclusive Humanitarian Health Response.” This training served as a pilot for our upcoming learning package on inclusive health, which is set to be released later this year. Addressing […]


Training Participants pose for group photo during three-day inclusive WASH pilot training at Juba Regency hotel, Juba, South Sudan.

Piloting iWASH Learning Package: Overcoming Exclusion in Humanitarian WASH Action

HI’s project team in South Sudan provided a training session piloting the recently developed inclusive Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (iWASH) learning package to WASH cluster members in Juba, South Sudan. The training was held on 25-27 September in Juba and it reached 24 participants from 12 National and 9 International Non-Governmental Organizations. The training session […]


Participants pose for group photo during three-day joint RAAL-lab training with protection cluster partners and Organization of Persons with Disabilities.

Disability Inclusion Training for Protection Actors

HI’s South Sudan project team conducted its fourth joint Review, Adapt and Action Learning laboratory (RAAL-Lab) workshop to 18 participants from National and International Non-Governmental Organizations and Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPD’s). The training was held in Juba, South Sudan, from 4th to 6th September 2024.  This was the first time that the mainstream […]


Training participants sitting in the workshop room and listening presentation.

Equipping Trainers for Inclusive Tomorrow 

HI’s South Sudan team conducted its second Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop to members of technical support group on disability inclusion, at Juba Regency Hotel, from 26th to 28th June 2024. The objective of the training was to enhance the facilitation skills and techniques of the nominated inclusion focal points to train other humanitarian actors […]


Participant sitting in U-form during training in Kampala. In front facilitator presenting.

Strengthening the Capacity of Humanitarian Actors in Disability Inclusion in Uganda

In an effort to build and strengthen the capacities of international, national and local humanitarian protection sector actors in Uganda, our HI Uganda team organised a fourth (16–18 April 2024) and fifth (13–15 May 2024) Inclusive Humanitarian Action Training and Review, Adapt Action & Learning Laboratory (RAAL Lab). This methodology allows training participants to review, […]


Inclusion focal points pose for group photo after completion of three-day ToT training at Juba Regency hotel, Juba

Raising the Bar on Disability Inclusion  

HI’s South Sudan team conducted its first Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop for members of the technical support mechanism group at Juba Regency hotel, Juba, South Sudan from 27th to 29th February 2024. The three-day training drew 16 inclusion focal points drawn from National and International Non-Governmental Organizations, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD’s) and […]
