Please note that we have extended the application deadline until 10 March!
The project „Phase 3 – Leave no one behind!“ would like to invite you to our upcoming in-person training on „Introduction to disability-inclusive humanitarian action: How to make the IASC Guidelines on Disability-Inclusion work for your programming”.
Time & Location
- 3 days in-person training
- 27.03.2023 – 29.03.2023 (full days), exact training times will be announced
- Berlin, Germany
- Lehrter Straße 68
10557 Berlin
- Lehrter Straße 68
- Training language: English
- Free of charge
Even though it is widely acknowledged that persons with disabilities are at heightened risk in emergency and humanitarian settings, they are often not considered as part of the general target group in humanitarian programmes. Disability is usually still not mainstreamed as crosscutting topic throughout a project cycle.
The objective of our three-day training in Berlin is to introduce the human rights based approach to disability and to deepen the understanding of disability-inclusive humanitarian action in-line with the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action. The participants will have a better understanding of how to mainstream disability as a crosscutting issue throughout the humanitarian project cycle (assessment, design, monitoring, evaluation and accountability to affected population mechanisms) and will be able to identify possible entry points for change in their programmes.
Target Audience
The target group of the training is German-based humanitarian actors and their (local) offices and partners, especially staff members at humanitarian programmatic and technical level. For example, managers, coordinators and technical specialists or officers. Participants should have experience in humanitarian programming, good command of English and be able to attend all training days in Berlin.
The three days in-person workshop will include a mix of input presentations, scenario work and discussions, lab-style sessions, guest speaker inputs and Q&A’s. Invitees will have a chance during the workshop to work on revisions of their own tools and guidance.
Peer sharing of good practice, lessons learned and challenges are inbuilt throughout the training.
Following the workshop, participants receive certificates and training materials.
Applications are open until March 10, 2023.
The training is free of charge. The related travel and hotel costs need to be covered by the participants.
Other reasonable accommodation adjustments will be available upon request.
More Information
You can send your questions to