Project Phase 3 Website is Online and Training Materials on Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action are Available! 


Capacity Building General

We are delighted to announce the relaunch of our “Leave no one behind!” Project website for Phase 3. The new website is designed to be easier to navigate, accessible, and more informative.

It provides insight into our goals, areas of work, target groups, and the background and history of our project. We have dedicated sections for our pilot countries in East and West Africa, and provide regular project news and information on our upcoming trainings. 

We are also happy to share with you the links to the new training package, an Introduction to disability-inclusive humanitarian action of the global Reference Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, in short, the Disability Reference Group (DRG) on our website.  

The package has been designed by the Working Group 1 of the DRG to support trainers in facilitating learning, reflection and discussion around disability-inclusive humanitarian action. It will enable participants to strengthen the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian programming and project cycle management processes. The content is relevant across different humanitarian sectors and contexts of intervention. All the modules can be downloaded free of charge via the google drive of the Working Group 1 of the DRG.