Training on Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action held in Berlin  


Capacity Building IASC-Guidelines
Two training participants presenting the findings of the group work in front of the flipchart.

Our Leave no one behind! project conducted a training for Germany-based humanitarian actors on disability-inclusion in humanitarian action. 

The HI “Phase 3 – Leave no one behind!” project team organized a training for 12 humanitarian actors based in Germany on “Introduction to disability-inclusive humanitarian action: How to make the IASC Guidelines on Disability-Inclusion work for your programming” in Berlin from 27-29 March 2023.  

Persons with disabilities are at greater risk in emergency and humanitarian situations, but still often not considered as part of the general target group in humanitarian programmes. The objective of our three-day training was to introduce the human rights based approach to disability and to deepen the understanding of disability-inclusive humanitarian action in-line with the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action. 

The workshop included a mix of input presentations, scenario work, group work and discussions. Throughout the training participants had the possibility to learn about each other’s good practices.   

The feedback from the participant was very positive, with many intending to immediately put their new knowledge to work in their own teams to raise awareness on disability inclusion and to incorporate it into project and proposal designs, accessibility measures, and internal capacity development.

I can better frame my knowledge on disability inclusion… I can speak about the topic with more confidence.”

The participants left the training with better understanding on how to mainstream disability as a crosscutting issue throughout the humanitarian project cycle. 

We would like to warmly thank all participants for their active participation and interesting discussions!

Group picture of all training participants