Beiträge zum Thema action

Participant sitting in U-form during training in Kampala. In front facilitator presenting.

Strengthening the Capacity of Humanitarian Actors in Disability Inclusion in Uganda

In an effort to build and strengthen the capacities of international, national and local humanitarian protection sector actors in Uganda, our HI Uganda team organised a fourth (16–18 April 2024) and fifth (13–15 May 2024) Inclusive Humanitarian Action Training and Review, Adapt Action & Learning Laboratory (RAAL Lab). This methodology allows training participants to review, […]


Inclusion focal points pose for group photo after completion of three-day ToT training at Juba Regency hotel, Juba

Raising the Bar on Disability Inclusion  

HI’s South Sudan team conducted its first Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop for members of the technical support mechanism group at Juba Regency hotel, Juba, South Sudan from 27th to 29th February 2024. The three-day training drew 16 inclusion focal points drawn from National and International Non-Governmental Organizations, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD’s) and […]


Group of persons sitting in a meeting room and listening a presentation.

South Sudan Project Team held its 3rd Technical Support Mechanism Meeting

The Technical Support Mechanism Team on Disability Inclusion is a working group that operates within protection cluster and under Gender Inclusion Task Team (GITT) in South Sudan. It was officially launched on 10 November 2023 and its members are made up of inclusion focal points who were trained during our Review, Adapt and Action Learning […]


CBM launches collaboration with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

CBMs Inclusive Humanitarian Action (IHA) Initiative is proud to announce that a strategic partnership on technical collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been established under the Phase 3- Leave No One Behind! project beginning of December 2023. CBMs technical expertise will contribute to the achievement of ICRCs Vision 2030 on […]


Partnering for Disability-Inclusive Food Security and Livelihood Programming 

Between 2022 and 2023, the World Food Programme (WFP) and HI have jointly conducted research on the longer-term outcomes of a seven-month pilot project aimed at strengthening access and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities to food security and livelihood (FSL) opportunities in Western Equatoria, South Sudan. Our findings are out now! They demonstrate the […]


Leave no one behind @ Humanitarian Symposium Munich

HI is co-hosting this year’s Humanitarian Symposium Munich, which takes place on Saturday 24 February, in the Hörsaal der Kinderklinik at Lindwurmstraße 4, as well as online. The topic of this year’s conference is “People with Disability in Humanitarian Crises”. Our project is happy to support this year’s Humanitarian Symposium Munich. With the theme “People […]


Establishment of the Somalia Inter-Agency Disability Inclusion Task Team

On 18th January 2024 as part of Phase 3 – Leave no one behind! Project, HI’s Somalia project team presented the objectives to establish the Somalia Inter-Agency Technical Support Task Team (SIDITT) during the monthly meeting of the Disability Inclusion Working Group DIWG under the Protection Cluster in Mogadishu, Somalia. The Disability Inclusion Working Group […]
