Call for Tenders: Development of Learning Package on iWASH


Capacity Building General IASC-Guidelines

We are looking for a consultant or group of consultants to develop an accessible learning package on inclusive Water Sanitation and Hygiene in humanitarian action (iWASH).

Within our Phase 3 – Leave no one behind! project, we aim to develop an accessible learning package to be delivered Face to Face or online, consisting of 9 modules on inclusive Water Sanitation and Hygiene in humanitarian action (iWASH).

The direct target audience of the learning package are practitioners and programmers, as well as trainers and facilitators who will deliver the learning package themselves with and without disabilities from the humanitarian field working in the WASH sector. The indirect target audience participating in both courses will include humanitarian actors with and without disabilities.

The learning modules aims to sensitise, increase understanding and support first skills development among Humanitarian Actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in WASH programming, e.g. needs assessments, planning and monitoring, as well as accountability to affected population.

The bidder should have:

  • Proven strong experience in packaging content for interactive face-to-face learning and sensitization modules, as well as Training of Trainer packages for humanitarian audiences (samples of work will be requested upon shortlisting)
  • Experience working with audiences in an inclusive manner, that is persons with and without disabilities
  • Demonstrated experience in working with accessible online collaboration platforms for learning such as e.g. Padlet, Mural, Jamboard, Cryptopad or similar
  • Experience on working on disability, age, gender, protection, and WASH
  • Knowledge and/or experience in producing accessible digital materials
  • Excellence in English 

Further information on the background and all details of this call can be found in the Terms of Reference. This call is part of a negotiated procurement procedure with open competition. All bids will be evaluated based on predefined criteria. 

Please also see the document: Questions and answers regarding the Tender with Open Competition for the Development of a Disability-Inclusive WASH Learning Package published on 13.12.2023.

Deadline for bids is 18th December 2023.